RNames - Help - Instructions
Stepwise Data Entry
Enter new reference
- Check if reference is already in database
- Open: Main Menu -> Manage References -> and search for reference
- If not found, enter the new reference at RNames
- Open: Main Menu -> Manage References -> Press: Add
- Enter new reference details at Zotero.org
- Copy permanent reference link from Zotero.org to RNames
- Press: Save
Enter all new stratigraphic unit(s) contained in the reference
- open new parallel browser window with Manage Structured Names page -> Add
- enter new Name
- a Name is something like “Saint Paul” , “Rockdale Run”, “Kullsberg Limestone”, “Cahabagnathus sweeti” , or a number like “453.7”
- select the correct Qualifier
- select the appropriate Location or enter a new one
- currently locations are relatively deliberately entered as regions, counties or countries, do not go into much detail here, do not enter places, such as cities, villages etc, but regions
- Press: Save
Enter referenced relations between stratigraphic units
- open Manage Referenced Data -> select the reference and click the magnifier -> this opens a new window and there you can add new relations by clicking the add button
- switch the "belongs to" button on "yes" in case the two structured names are related as group and sub-group: e.g. the Fort Cassin Formation belongs to the Beekmantown Group, or the alobatus conodont_sub_zone is a subzone of the anserinus condodont-zone..